Snow again!?!?! I'm excited for my kids to get to make a snowman and go sledding, but after this storm, I vote for Spring! 🌼 How about you?
It seems that this time they are calling for a lot of ice. Driving on snow is one thing, but ice is totally different. I you have must leave your house, please drive safely! There have already been lots of closings - schools, libraries, courts, visitor's center, etc - so before you head out, please be sure to call ahead and make sure your destination is open.
With everyone at home, it's a great time to watch some of the Top 10 Family-Friendly Winter Movies.
Want to let the kids play in the snow without having to stand outside? Here are some Indoor Snow ideas!
Have you thought about adding a family pet? Love is in the Air with Love Your Pet Day. You can even make your own homemade dog treats!
Once the weather lets up you'll be ready to get outside. Check out this awesome FXBG Fun Contest! They even have a few activities you can do from the comfort of your home!
We delivered all 100 Snowball bags over the last few weeks! If you didn't get hit by us, start your own snowball fight! Put together a little bag of fun for a friend or neighbor and drop it off on their doorstep. You can print the instructions here. Take a quick picture (you can be in the picture or not) and post it on social media with #MacKidFxbg to be entered to win a Family Fun Basket! |
- Join Canstruction for a fun way to donate to the Food Bank! Macaroni Kid Fredericksburg will be participating this year! Would you like to donate cans for our entry? Email us at for details.
- Get your stuff ready for Weecycled Wardrobe
- Sign up to participate in the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank Golf Tournament
- Get your Mammogram BEFORE the vaccine or you'll need to wait a few months to get accurate results.
- Retail Therapy was moved to February 27th due to last weekend's weather. It's not too late to win tickets!
- Random Acts of Kindness Week is this week. Here are some ideas for free and low-cost RAOK!
- Next week is Fredericksburg Black Restaurant Week. Find out which restaurants are participating here.
🌼 Already thinking about Spring Break? Visit our Spring Break Guide here!
Wishing you a happy, healthy week full of family fun! Stay safe and warm!