
10 Ways To Begin Middle School Successfully

in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford, VA

By Liam Jugl-Patel, Junior Reporter for Macaroni Kid Fredericksburg July 25, 2024

The start of Middle School is an exciting time. You want to make sure you are prepared for Middle School, so you can make good choices to maximize your experience. This is a list of tips I found helpful when beginning Middle School. The order of the recommendations will be based on when they will be most useful, starting with what you will need to think about even before school starts.

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1. Attend Back-to-School Night

Back-to-school night is a great opportunity to meet your teachers, learn about what school supplies each specific class may want, and learn the locations where your classes are. 

Helpful tips:  

  • If you find the hallways confusing, draw a rough sketch of the hallways and your classroom layout, for your reference on the first day of school. 
  • Print a small schedule and tape it inside your agenda or a binder. Include your locker combination if you have one.

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2. Know What Supplies You Need for School

Schools provide supply lists during the Summer. I recommend shopping early because when you shop early, the stores are neatly organized and it is easier to locate what you need. 

Typically, when you are shopping for school supplies, if it is not mentioned on your school's list, you’re not going to need that item throughout the year. 

However, sometimes at back-to-school night teachers might ask for a last-minute additional item that is not included on the original school list.

Helpful Hints:

  •  Don’t buy items you don’t need for school. You will just end up spending more money and having to carry unnecessary items around all day. 
  • If you are unable to purchase school supplies, HERE is a list of places where you can get free school supplies.  You can also speak with your school, they have a supply closet of donated items, including backpacks, for students. Don't be embarrassed to ask, that's why it's there.

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3.   Stay Organized

Find an organizational system that works well for you. For example, I use a paper planner that you can find at any retailer in your area. A planner may help you stay organized with school work, activities, and sports. Even on your computer, you can make a planning document. This is also good so you know which day you have P.E so you come to school wearing sneakers. 

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4. Arrive to School early

If you are a car rider, I recommend getting to school right when car rider begins, so you have time to go to your locker and settle into your first class. If you arrive towards the end of car rider, the hallways are more crowded and there is a good chance that somebody is using the locker above or below yours, blocking your ability to access your locker and you will have to wait. Giving yourself time will ensure that you are not tardy. I understand bus schedules are initially out of your control, but if your bus arrives late in the morning regularly and you are late for class, have your parents call Transportation and advocate for the needs of your bus routes.  Missing 15 minutes of your morning classes adds up over time.                                                                                                                                                                           

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5. Live A Balanced Healthy Lifestyle 

Practice living a healthy maintainable lifestyle. This includes your diet, hygiene, and sleep schedule.

This is good for you because

  • It’s a great way to maintain productivity.
  • It allows you to Feel good in your own skin.
  • You get to practice routine and organization.

Lunch TIP: If you are one of the "lucky ones" (believe me not so lucky) who has lunch directly before P.E. be mindful of what you are eating. There is nothing worse, than indulging in a huge lunch and then finding out that you are going to be running the mile that day.


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6. Initiate Conversation

It is likely your middle school is bigger than your elementary school. You will be surrounded by unfamiliar faces, but try to step out of your comfort zone and talk to others.

Trust me,

  • you’re not the only one looking for a trusted friend.
  • middle school is a chance to meet someone new.
  • you'd be surprised who has similar interests.


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7. Don’t change for trends

Focus more on your academic and school life more than trendy fashion or activities.

This is because-

  • Your authentic self is more valued by peers (that limited edition tumbler cup isn’t going to earn you a spot in college)
  • You will waste time and money to stay in sync with the forever-changing trends
  • Coerced buying does not build any true healthy friendships


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8. Join Extracurriculars

Whether a sport, club, or organization, join extracurricular activities.

This will help you

  • Find peers that share similar interests, ideas, and beliefs
  • Feel more involved and connected to your school
  • Try something new

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9. Check your School E-mail

I cannot stress this enough. You have to check your school email at least once a day, if not more. You are expected to act as a maturing middle schooler and teachers will communicate directly with you through your e-mail. You will also get emails regarding school opportunities, school events, and correspondence about your classes. You also need to learn how to speak up for yourself. If you have an issue that needs to be addressed outside of class time, you can contact your teacher via email.

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10. Have fun, work hard and try new things

Middle School goes by fast. Enjoy the moments and try new things. Middle School provides many opportunities. Use this time, to try activities that you may have never tried in the past and make new friendships. If you have any questions, talk to your school administrators and staff, they are there to help you, and they want to see you succeed!


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