Looking for something fun to do with the kids? Grab some candy and let them try out these 10 cool candy experiments:
1) Tye-Dye Coffee Filter
Find a coffee filter or two and place different colored shelled candy (think M&Ms or Skittles) in a circle on the coffee filter. Add water to the center and watch it move toward to candy. Once the water hits the candy, watch the colors run. You can also just use a plate to see the colors run, but you won't be able to keep it once it's dry.
2) Just Add Water
Choose some candies covered in colored shells. Place them on a plate and add a few drops of water to each candy. Using the corner of a sheet of paper, touch the edge of the wet candy and watch the liquid be pulled onto the paper.
3) How Tall Is Your Tower?
Using different types of candy, each child builds a tower. The tower that is the tallest, without falling, is the winner.
4) Expansion Project
Find different types of gummy candy, and place each on a plate. Add water to the plate, let them sit for a few hours, and determine which candy grows the most.
5) Make It Pop
Choose different types of liquids (for example: Soda, Milk, Water, Tea, etc) and make a prediction about which liquids will let the rocks pop. Then test it out!
6) Sink or Float
Choose a few different types of liquids (for example: Soda, Milk, Water,Tea) and predict which candies with float in each liquid. Drop the candy in and test it out!
7) Make some Bubbles
Choose acidic candies (think sweet tarts). Place baking soda on a plate and lay the candy on top. Add water and watch the bubbles.
8) Catapults away
Using a spoon, rubber bands, and popsicle sticks, create a catapult to launch the candy. Place a cup across from the catapult and aim your candy!
9) Graph it up:
Empty a few different types of candy into a bowl. Have each child take a handful. Create a graph based on the different types of candy they grabbed.
Instead of graphing on paper, try graphing with Legos!
10) Light up Lifesavers
Grab some Wintergreen-flavored lifesavers and a mirror. Go into a dark room, bite down on the lifesaver, and look for a spark. This is also fun with a friend instead of a mirror!