
Parent Book Review: Holy Cow

Find A New Book To Read in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, VA

By Whitney Hayes August 24, 2023

<walking through library> 

<spies book with fun cover>

 Wait, what?!? Mulder is a writer?

<grabs book>

I needed something light and goofy after my previous book. And this one surprised me with both a few laughs and also food for thought.

"Oh yeah, we believe in God. In the shape of a cow. Not really. Scared you, though, didn't I? But we do believe something made all the somethings in the world - all the animals, animalcules, plants, rocks and souls. And whether that Maker something is shaped like a cow, a pig, a person an amoeba, or Jerry Garcia, we don't really know and don't care. We just believe there's a force for life and creation out there."

This book is written by a cow, named Elsie Bovary, on a farm in New York who learns (by watching TV through the window of farmhouse) that humans kill and eat cows. So she plots to run away to India. And the rest of the book is about how she learns to appreciate her life, friends, people, differences, and the thrill of adventure.

"Without my vision of a dream in India, I never would have gone anywhere, never would have had any adventures at all. So I guess it's not so important that dreams come true, it's just important that you have a dream to begin with, to get you to take your first steps."

Whitney is a wife, mom, and avid reader. She is working on reading a stack of books this year and happily sharing a synopsis so we can find our favorites!