Wander around outside and find things that spark your interest. Gather them together and create your own art. You can use almost anything - flowers, rocks, sticks, leaves. Ideas include:
Image by Pixabay |
| - Create a poster making an image from your findings.
- Press the flowers and leaves together and place them in a frame.
| Image by M W from Pixabay
'Image by Jenny Sites |
| - Place the flowers and/or leaves under paper, then rub a crayon over the paper to make an image.
- Get some clay and form it into a shape you like. Press a rock, flower or leaf, etc into the clay. You can leave it in the clay or gently remove it to leave an indentation. Place it in the sun to dry.
| Image by Messylittlemonster |
Image by Jenny Sites |
| - Collect smooth rocks to paint. Use them to decorate beside your sidewalk, in your garden or hide them for other people to find.
- Collect pinecones and paint them or decorate them with craft items.
| Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay |
Image by freepik |
| - Tape a long roll of paper down on your fence or on the side of a brick wall and let your kids draw or paint on it.
- Sidewalk chalk... use tape to tape off a design on the sidewalk. Once the kids finish coloring, remove the tape and expose the design.
| ![](https://api.macaronikid.com/assets/uploads/bf158f0a-2e60-4faf-9b40-79569c37e6f9.JPG) Image by Jenny Sites