
National Regifting Day - it's really a thing!

Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford, VA

By Jenny Sites December 10, 2020

Do you have that one relative who is famous for their strange gifts that you just never know what to do with? Do you leave your annual holiday work party with a bag of random gifts?  Candles, clothing that doesn’t fit, a crazy hat, another tie… You are not alone,  but what do you do with those gifts?  Regift them!

After the 98th episode of NBC’s Sitcom “Seinfield” popularizing the term “regifting” the 3rd Thursday in December has become National Regifting Day.

Rules of regifting are simple. The item should be brand new, unopened/unused, in its original packaging. It should also be something that the person you are giving it to actually wants. Of course there are some things that shouldn’t be regifted – personalized items and handmade items.

Would you rather donate your unwanted items?  Visit our Community Involvement Guide to find out when, where and what you can donate locally.