
25 Free and Cheap activities for Teens

(electronic free)

By Jenny Sites December 13, 2018

Hey teens - put down the cell phone and get off the computer! Here is a list of 25 free and cheap things to do that don't involve electronics!

  1. Host a board game night. Ask everyone to bring their favorite game and then draw names to see which game you play first.
  2. Have a Swap – invite your friends to bring over clothing and other items they no longer want. Put everything out in 1 room and draw numbers.  Take turns choosing a new (to you) item until everything is gone. Anything that is leftover can be donated to charity.
  3. Visit the Macaroni Kid Fredericksburg Calendar for free and cheap activities, including teen nights at the local libraries. 
  4. Hold a Poker night – use candy instead of chips.
  5. Host a poetry slam.  Invite your friends to come over and share their poems, stories and more.  Set up a hot chocolate bar to add to the fun. Be sure to submit your work to Macaroni Kid Fredericksburg to be published in our Young Writer’s edition!
  6. Have an ice cream Sundae party. Supply the ice cream and have everyone bring their favorite toppings.
  7. Movie night – set up a room like a theater, pop popcorn and maybe have a candy bar. Remember – you can rent movies from the library for free!
  8. Get crafty – take some old jeans that you’ve outgrown and make them into something new! Pinterest has tons of tutorials on how to make bags, purses, book covers and more!
  9. Create a vision board using old magazines.
  10. Give your friends manicures. You can even grab a foot tub and some other supplies at the local dollar store and turn it into a spa day.
  11. Build something! Gather some old scraps of lumber or recycle some outgrown toys and create something new.  
  12. Plant a garden.
  13. Make your own comic book.
  14. Design a driving course for a remote control car.  Make it harder by having the driver blindfolded and a friend giving directions!
  15. Check out local museums for free admission dates.
  16. Find local free festivals or shows.
  17. Start a book club.                                                     
  18. Camp out in the backyard.
  19. Create your own movie.
  20. Make your own instrument.
  21. Print out an indoor or outdoor scavenger hunt list or create your own.  Make it more fun by taking it to the mall to complete.
  22. Go outside. Ride a bike, take a jog. Play basketball in the driveway, volleyball in the yard or tennis down the street. 
  23. Bring back the old games like foursquare, kickball and dodgeball.
  24. Get some friends together to shovel snow, rake leaves, mow lawns or walk dogs to make a few extra bucks for new adventures.
  25. Volunteer. Check out this list of local businesses who accept teen volunteers!

Do you have other fun, free or cheap ideas for teens?  I'd love to hear them! Email me.