
Pinecone Bird Feeders

Cute, fun, easy, and cheap!

By Chelsea House October 12, 2016
These little bird treats are the perfect project for the outdoorsy type. You can even make them educational by having your little one describe each bird that comes to eat and then look that bird up in a book or on the internet for more in depth information.

  • Parchment Paper
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pinecones
  • Bird Seed
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Knife or Spoon


1. Cut parchment paper into long pieces and lay them down on the surface you will be doing this on.
2. Using the knife/spoon, scoop out about 1-2 tbspn of peanut butter and smear it really thickly onto the parchment paper.
3. Below the peanut butter sprinkle a generous amount of birdseed.
4. Take the pinecone and roll it in the peanut butter until it has a decent amount covering it.
5. Take the peanut butter covered pinecone and roll it in the birdseed.
6. Cut string and tie it around the top of the pinecone.
7. Find a tree, hang it up, and watch!